“Talking may actually help reduce the problems of classroom indiscipline,” was the rather unusual statement from the Scottish Secondary Teachers' Association today. “The indications which we are receiving from members in schools are that talking helps – when talking is amongst the teachers. Many schools have been working on a strategy of dealing with matters relating to pupil discipline through a committee involving senior managers and classroom teachers,” said David Eaglesham, SSTA General Secretary. “This use of such a committee permits a school-wide analysis of behaviour problems and responses by teachers and senior managers. It gives a focus for reviewing initiatives taken and for proposing and adopting new solutions. Those schools which are experimenting with this approach report that there has been significant improvement in dealing with problems and in the number of problems occurring.”

Based on their information, the Association will be carrying out a survey early in 2006 to establish how widespread this approach is and how effective it has been. “If our survey contains the reports received thus far, this approach may be helpful for many schools as part of their strategy to deal with pupil indiscipline and the management of behaviour. These issues remain at the forefront of concern among teachers, and remain also a hindrance to improving standards in schools. As ever, no single ‘magic bullet' solution will be found, but each significant contribution to addressing the overall problem is most valuable.”

Further details from:David Eaglesham, General Secretary

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