The Scottish Secondary Teachers' Association (SSTA) today welcomed the proposals on revised pensions for teachers which have been issued by the SPPA (Scottish Public Pensions Agency).

“These proposals represent a very positive conclusion to a lengthy period of negotiation about what has been one of the most controversial issues in recent years” said David Eaglesham, General Secretary of SSTA.

“Against a background where defined benefits pension schemes are under considerable threat, both for new and existing employees, the proposals will provide the security of a final salary scheme for both all existing teachers and future recruits to the profession, together with improved benefits for death in service and for partners. There will also be greater choice and flexibility with regard to retirement age, and future new entrants will benefit from a 1/60 accrual rate per year of service.”

“There are some adverse aspects of the package which will not please teachers, principally the increased contribution rate (at 6.4%), and significant issues for teachers currently on career breaks. However, the overall effect is to provide a stable and satisfactory pension scheme for all teachers in Scotland for generations to come.”

“When the previous proposals made in 2005 were put out for consultation, this Association and its members made it clear that those proposals were not acceptable. I believe that the current proposals will find a much greater level of acceptance amongst SSTA members and the profession in general. I would urge all teachers to make their views known.”

A summary of the details of the proposed changes is attached. Full details and a response form that can be downloaded for printing can be found at The Consultation closes on 5 January 2007,

and the new scheme would take effect from 1 April 2007.

Further information fromDAVID EAGLESHAM

General Secretary