Salary Scale 2004-2008

The Salary Scales shown below are taken from SNCT 33 issued on 24 May 2004. Full text of the Settlement can be viewed in SNCT 33.

Unpromoted Teachers

Point Annual Salary as at 1.08.03 2.9% Increase 1.4.04 2.9% Increase 1.4.05 2.0% Increase 1.4.06 2.25% Increase 1.4.07
0 (Probationer) 18000 18522 19059 19440 19878
1 21588 22215 22860 23316 23841
2 22875 23538 24222 24705 25260
3 24174 24876 25596 26109 26697
4 25578 26319 27081 27624 28245
5 27198 27987 28800 29376 30036
6 28707 29541 30399 31008 31707

Chartered Teachers

Point Annual Salary as at 1.08.03 2.9% Increase 1.4.04 2.9% Increase 1.4.05 2.0% Increase 1.4.06 2.25% Increase 1.4.07
1 29601 30459 31341 31968 32688
2 30600 31488 32400 33048 33792
3 31299 32208 33141 33804 34566
4 32601 33546 34518 35208 36000
5 33900 34884 35895 36612 37437
6 35199 36219 37269 38013 38868

Principal Teachers

Job Sized Spine

Point Annual Salary as at 1.08.03 2.9% Increase 1.4.04 2.9% Increase 1.4.05 2.0% Increase 1.4.06 2.25% Increase 1.4.07
1 31299 32208 33141 33804 34566
2 32601 33546 34518 35208 36000
3 33900 34884 35895 36612 37437
4 35199 36219 37269 38013 38868
5 36501 37560 38649 39423 40311
6 37800 38895 40023 40824 41742
7 39099 40233 41400 42228 43179
8 40401 41574 42780 43635 44616

Conserved Salary Spine

Roll Annual Salary as at 1.08.03 2.9% Increase 1.4.04 2.9% Increase 1.4.05 2.0% Increase 1.4.06 2.25% Increase 1.4.07
<301 32388 33327 34293 34980 35766
301-600 33462 34431 35430 36138 36951
601-800 34545 35547 36579 37311 38151
801-1000 35613 36645 37707 38460 39324
1001-1300 36708 37773 38868 39645 40536
>1300 37782 38877 40005 40806 41724
SEN 32817 33768 34746 35442 36240

Headteachers and Depute HeadteachersJob Sized Spine

Point Annual Salary as at 1.08.03 2.9% Increase 1.4.04 2.9% Increase 1.4.05 2.0% Increase 1.4.06 2.25% Increase 1.4.07
1 35500 36531 37590 38343 39207
2 36600 37662 38754 39528 40416
3 37800 38895 40023 40824 41742
4 39099 40233 41400 42228 43179
5 40401 41574 42780 43635 44616
6 41499 42702 43941 44820 45828
7 42699 43938 45213 46116 47154
8 43899 45171 46482 47412 48480
9 45099 46407 47754 48708 49803
10 46299 47643 49026 50007 51132
11 48300 49701 51141 52164 53337
12 50301 51759 53259 54324 55545
13 52299 53817 55377 56484 57756
14 54300 55875 57495 58644 59964
15 57300 58962 60672 61884 63276
16 60300 62049 63849 65127 66591
17 63300 65136 67026 68367 69906
18 66300 68223 70200 71604 73215
19 69300 71310 73377 74844 76527

Headteacher and Depute Headteacher Scales Conserved Salary Spine

Point Annual Salary as at 1.08.03 2.9% Increase 1.4.04 2.9% Increase 1.4.05 2.0% Increase 1.4.06 2.25% Increase 1.4.07
1 35565 36597 37659 38412 39276
2 36414 37470 38556 39327 40212
3 37266 38346 39459 40248 41154
4 38115 39219 40356 41163 42090
5 38964 40095 41259 42084 43032
6 39807 40962 42150 42993 43959
7 40656 41835 43047 43908 44895
8 41508 42711 43950 44829 45837
9 42369 43599 44862 45759 46788
10 43389 44646 45942 46860 47913
11 44817 46116 47454 48402 49491
12 46218 47559 48939 49917 51039
13 47640 49023 50445 51453 52611
14 49053 50475 51939 52977 54168
15 50469 51933 53439 54507 55734
16 51888 53394 54942 56040 57300
17 53304 54849 56439 57567 58863
18 54714 56301 57933 59091 60420
19 56136 57765 59439 60627 61992
20 57546 59214 60930 62148 63546
21 58962 60672 62430 63678 65112
22 60375 62127 63930 65208 66675
23 61797 63588 65433 66741 68244
24 63201 65034 66921 68259 69795
25 64620 66495 68424 69792 71361
26 66045 67959 69930 71328 72933
27 67449 69405 71418 72846 74484

Music Instructors
