The Scottish Secondary Teachers' Association today confirmed the early retirement of its General Secretary, David Eaglesham with effect from the end of December 2008. The Council of the Association had already been informed of Mr Eaglesham's intention to retire early.

Mr Eaglesham was employed by the Association for 14 years, and took up the post of General Secretary in 1996, following the deaths of his predecessors Alex Stanley and Alan Lamont in 1995 and 1996 respectively.

James Docherty, the Depute General Secretary, will take over the General Secretary's role until a new General Secretary is elected.

Mr Eaglesham commented, “The past 12 years have been a period of exceptional change, and I am proud that the Association has been at the forefront of responding to and leading that change. I wish my successor well in what will be a challenging task in the years ahead.”

SSTA President Ann Ballinger said, “In his period as General Secretary at a time of constant change, David Eaglesham has played a major role in giving voice to the secondary view of Education in Scotland.”

12 January 2009