General Secretary responds to the Cabinet Secretary for Education, Mike Russell

Dear Colleagues,

You may have been aware of recent attacks on this organisation by the Cabinet Secretary for Education, Mike Russell.

Long memories are a rare asset in politics.   Mr Russell was elected to the Scottish Parliament in 2007 as a list MSP.   He was elected by 27.8% of the 58% who voted, perhaps 15% of the electorate.

The Cabinet Secretary has felt it necessary to twice mention the SSTA in his recent pronouncements.   The cynic among you will doubtless say ‘we must be getting things right'.   Perhaps more than the cynics, in fact!

27% of members took the time to vote in our indicative ballot, held during the last week of a very long and tiring session.   95% of those who voted were in favour of a formal ballot.

We are currently working on a ballot paper which will allow all members to express an opinion on future action.   In the meantime I will be happy to answer any queries you may have.

With best wishes



General Secretary