Update for members

Dear Colleagues

We were informed today that the SNCT meeting on Wednesday has been cancelled due to inclement weather.   There is no date as yet for the rescheduled meeting.   As soon as we have information it will be added to the website and emailed to those members for whom we have email addresses.   If we do not have an email address for you please email us and we'll add you to the mailing list.   At this time of year the post is not a reliable method of communication.   After the Christmas holiday ends we will begin sending information by post to school reps in addition to emails and notices on the website.

On another, more immediate, matter please do not hesitate to contact us if you have problems with reasonable requests to work from home being denied.   There is information on the website regarding travel during inclement weather and your district secretary will also have local information to assist you.

With best wishes

Yours sincerely

Ann Ballinger

General Secretary