Threatened action by Aberdeen City Council

TO Members in Aberdeen City

Dear Colleague

You will have received a communication from Aberdeen City Council this morning, which is a blatant attempt to blackmail teachers in the authority. This Association utterly condemns any attempt to blackmail teachers into accepting a salary reduction. We will take all necessary steps to support members in Aberdeen and will certainly ballot on industrial action should either of these measures be imposed. Please note however that Aberdeen City Council will not take any steps to reduce salaries or impose redundancies at this stage. The next step will begin in January when we expect a consultation from Aberdeen City Council to be sent out. Please reply to the consultation from Aberdeen City Council in the new year, and state your views as strongly as possible.

We expect the council decision to be made in February, after a period of consultation. The Council will take no action before then.

Please do not hesitate to contact me if you have concerns or wish to discuss this further. You can also contact the District Secretary, John Gray, by email at

should be grateful if you could forward this email to any member who has not received a copy.

With best wishes

Yours sincerely

Ann Ballinger

General Secretary