Possible action by COSLA/Scottish Government to end conservation

Dear Colleagues

Many of you will be aware of the article in newspapers at the weekend, discussing possible action to end conservation.  

This was one of the proposals agreed between COSLA and the Scottish Government in November 2010.   Teacher Unions have not agreed to this and negotiations are currently underway.   At this stage the Management side have been unable to provide us with any of the details needed to make a rational decision.

COSLA are stating their position very clearly!   If they are unable to save the £60M they claim to require, teacher posts will go; through redundancy, vacancies not being replaced and possibly increased class contact time.       There are difficult choices ahead.

I can assure you however that this Association is working hard to produce the best possible outcome for members, and will continue to do so.   We will keep you informed through the website, by email and by post.  

Yours sincerely

Ann Ballinger

General Secretary