Timesheet to record Working hours

As an additional service to members and as a result of enquiries we have created a timesheet which can be used to record your working time during the year.   The spreadsheet programme does the calculations for you and new copies can be downloaded from here.

Our most recent survey showed that many members are working in excess of 45 hours per week.   This will allow you to maintain a record for your own use.   It will also enable you distinguish between contractual and voluntary tasks.   Please note:   you must ask a line manager to determine which tasks you should not complete if the allocated tasks do not fit the time available. If you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact the office on info@ssta.org.uk.

Guide on how to use the timesheet

All times must be entered in the 24 hour clock format of   hh:mm.

- Enter the number of hours you are contracted to work per week in the cell with the red border (F4). (i.e. 35 hours should be entered as 35:00)

- Enter the date (dd/mm/yyyy) of the Monday   in the week you wish to begin recording time in the cell with the purple border (B8)

- For the sheet to calculate the number of hours worked correctly you must follow the 3 rules below.

•   If you enter a time in the "Start Work" Column you must enter a time in the "Time Out (Lunch)" Column.

•   If you enter a time in the "Time In (Lunch)" Column you must enter a time in the "End Work" Column.

•   If you enter a time in the "Home Start" Column you must enter a time in the "Home Finish" Column.