Update on Proposed changes to conditions of service

SSTA representatives at the SNCT meeting on Wednesday 23 March did not accept the new proposal, making it clear that in this Association members make policy decisions. A vote on the revised proposal was taken at the Teachers' Side pre-meeting and 6 of the 19 members did not vote in favour of accepting the proposal.   A ballot will be held to enable members to state their views and influence our stance.   Further details below...

Dear Colleagues

At the SNCT meeting held today £15.3m was offered by the Scottish Government to offset part of the £60m of cuts to teachers' conditions of service made by COSLA and support the retention of teachers' conditions of service.   Those changes are detailed below.

SSTA representatives at the meeting, mindful of the overwhelming rejection of the previous final offer made by COSLA & the Government, made it clear that the decision would be made by SSTA members, not by officials.     Salaries and Conditions of Service committee meets on Monday and will decide what recommendation, if any, to make to members.

Changes To the Proposal

There are 2 areas where changes have been made to the proposal previously sent to members.   These are:

  • Withdrawal of the proposal to reduce salary payments during sick leave.   Salary payment during sick leave will now revert to 100% for six months and 50% for 6 months (where appropriate).
  • The introduction of a two-tier system of payment for teachers not on permanent contracts:Supply Teachers will be paid 25 hours a week for the first five days of any placement.   This will be paid at point 1 on the maingrade scale.   Maximum class contact will remain as 22.5 hours but preparation and correction time will be reduced to 2.5 hours.   A contract which extends beyond day 5 will revert to normal pay and conditions.

Fixed term appointments where the period of engagement is known to extend beyond 5 days will be paid at the appropriate scale point for 35 hours per week.

Existing proposals pertaining to:

Pay freeze;

Conservation of salary;

annual leave;

the charter teacher scheme;

and the national teacher induction scheme

remain as before.

Teacher Numbers

COSLA have agreed that if teacher numbers fall below 53,131 in the census completed in September 2011 then conditions of service may be restored to an equal value of the shortfall in numbers employed .

The decision made by Salaries and Conditions of Service Committee will be posted on the website by close of business on Monday.

Wednedsay 23 March 2011