Salaries and Conditions of Service Committee recommends rejection of the latest COSLA proposal.

Salaries and Conditions of Service Committee met today, Monday 28 March 2011, and agreed unanimously to ballot members on the new COSLA proposals and recommend rejection.   The committee believes this proposal constitutes an attack on some of the most vulnerable members of our profession, further reducing their earning capacity.     Other elements of the   proposal constitute an attack on specific members of our profession many of whom accepted earlier changes in good faith, believing the assurances of protection from employers.

A ballot paper will be sent to all members employed by a local authority this week.   If your ballot paper does not arrive, or if you are have not informed us that you are employed by a local authority, please contact the office as soon as possible.   Please take the time to vote in this ballot!   Every vote counts and our voice will only be listened to if the results prove that the vast majority of members have responded.

Full details of the revised proposals can be viewed here.

Members wishing to register their vote online can do so using the link below.   You require your ballot paper with the unique reference number to vote. You must enter the reference number when you vote.

Please note that if a vote is registered online and a postal vote is also made, BOTH votes will be regarded as spoilt papers.

The result of the consultative ballot will be published on our website as soon as possible after the ballot closes at 12 noon on 28 April 2011.