GTCS Launches Consultations on Fitness to Teach and Codes of Practice

The General Teaching Council for Scotland has today launched three consultations on proposed changes to important areas of its work.

The first consultation is on new Fitness to Teach and Appeals Rules. These rules set out the framework for how GTCS will investigate and determine the fitness to teach of individuals where it is alleged that they have fallen short of the standards of conduct or professional competence expected of a registered teacher.

‘Fitness to teach' is the terminology used in the new legislation that will govern GTCS when it becomes independent of government from 2 April 2012 onwards. The legislation is the Public Services Reform (General Teaching Council for Scotland Order) 2011.

The other two consultations are on revisions to the existing Code of Professionalism and Conduct (CoPAC) and on the introduction of a new Student Teacher Code for teachers training to join the teaching profession.

All three consultations can be accessed at: