Attention Supply Teachers!

Working as a supply teacher and receiving the disgraceful remuneration agreed by another union in the sell out agreement (SOA), you will be very aware of the system now used to pay supply staff in differing authorities.

We are now able to begin the process of collecting evidence of unfair treatment to enable us to legally challenge this disgrace. Many of you will have worked for at least a few days on supply contracts. Please email us with information about the days you worked and the nature of the contract provided (i.e. supply or fixed term) . In particular we are interested in:

  • Cover which has been artificially broken to avoid paying the correct rate.
  • Part time permanent staff who are asked to cover at the sell out rate on a regular basis
  • Cover which should be ‘fixed term' but is not. An example of this is a regular call to cover for a teacher who is working elsewhere on a Monday.
  • Other examples of detriment caused to supply teachers by the SOA

Please contact us at