SSTA to ballot on industrial action over changes to Pension arrangements

The Scottish Secondary Teachers’ Association, representing over 9,000 Scottish teachers has determined to ballot its members on industrial action if the UK Government attempts to impose detrimental changes to teachers’ pension arrangements.

At a meeting of the SSTA Council in Edinburgh on Saturday the decision to move to a ballot in such circumstances was unanimous.

Speaking after the Council meeting, SSTA General Secretary, Ann Ballinger said:-“Teachers throughout the UK see the Government thinking on public sector pensions, not only those of teachers, as another attack on public services. It is only four years since changes were made to most public sector pension schemes. For teachers these involved both increases in teacher contributions and an increase in the pension age for new entrants to 65. The Government's intention is now clear: it wishes to raise the age to 65 for all teachers for service after a date during the lifetime of this Parliament.

The SSTA cannot accept that it is in the interests of the education service if teachers are forced to work in a high stress occupation for many years beyond the age at which they had planned to retire. The “protection” of service up to the date of the change will do little for teachers in their 30s and 40s.

The ballot will not be held, however, until firm Government proposals are available. The form of the action will be determined by the SSTA Council at the time of balloting.”

Further details from

Ann Ballinger

General Secretary

Telephone 0131 313 7300