Day of Action

Dear Colleagues,

A huge thank you to everyone who gave up their time yesterday to stand on wet and windy streets throughout Scotland and publicise our opposition to the planned theft from public sector pensions. The event in Edinburgh was very well attended and good humoured, albeit a bit cold and windy (typical Edinburgh weather really), and reports are coming in of the same marvellous support and good humour across the country. Most remote report so far comes from Rosemary who reports a march and rally in Kirkwall after picketing in Stromness. Prize for dedication goes to Derek Connelly who travelled from Moray to Edinburgh for the march.

However far you travelled and however long you marched I would like to thank you for demonstrating your strength of will and support for this cause. There are occasions when I'm very proud to be a member of this Association and yesterday was certainly one of them.

We will, of course, keep you informed of talks and of any progress.

With best wishes

Ann Ballinger

General Secretary