Council - 1 December 2012

1. Council approved the nominations of James Forbes (Midlothian) for President and Robert Macmillan (Fife) for Vice President. There being no other nominations both are duly elected for 2013-2015. Congratulations to both.

2. The following motions were passed.

  • This Association applauds the principles of the Scottish Government's Modern Apprentice Scheme. We require however that if Modern Apprentices are to be accommodated within teaching departments in secondary schools this should only happen after proper consultation with all stakeholders, allocation of adequate resources and the agreement of the Principal Teacher have been achieved.
  • Council condemns the continued absence of appropriate learning and teaching materials promised by the Cabinet Secretary for all National level for CfE. Council also express extreme concern at the workload implications for our members.

3. Council re-affirmed the Association position with regard to Public Pension reform and indicated that should the meeting with Scottish Government this month fail to deliver at least a negotiating position then the Association would consider all options including a return to Work to Contract. Council made clear that the Association should work in concert with other Unions.