STEP - Association of Chartered Teachers Development

STEP has developed from the Association of Chartered Teachers Scotland (ACTS) and is now open to all registered teachers in Scotland. This is important news which, especially now that professional update is up and running, will be of interest to all teachers keen to develop their professional learning.

STEP (as ACTS did previously) exists to provide a community for teachers which helps them practise pedagogy more effectively and explore exciting new developments in educational practice.

In previous years, ACTS have organised successful and well attended conferences. This year, we have arranged our first conference as STEP and believe that it offers an exciting professional learning opportunity for teachers.

The National Education Conference is on 21st March at Stirling Management Centre. Details of the Conference can be found via the links below

Keynote speakers are Ross McGill (teacher toolkit) and Gillian Hamilton (SCEL) and we have a packed programme of workshops delivered by a range of highly regarded people from the world of education.

Teachers can join STEP, via their website, for the price of £25. This includes free entry to the conference, a two course lunch and tea and coffee throughout the day.