Celebrate May Day

A summary of May Day events being held around Scotland are listed below.  Further information on the events can be found on the STUC website at  http://www.stuc.org.uk/campaigns-and-external-events/mayday-2015

Sunday 3rd May, GLASGOW

May Day March and Rally Sunday May 3rd George Square 11am assemble 11.30am March off. Rally O2 Academy Glasgow – ALL WELCOME.

Thousands of trade unionists and supporters will march through Glasgow to celebrate the international workers day on Sunday May the 3rd. Organised by Glasgow Trade Union Council this celebration looks to reach out to all those striving for justice, peace and equality in our city. This year theme is young people as they face the brunt of unjust austerity, enduring insecure low paid employment, including zero hour contracts. That is why it is young people who will proudly lead off the May Day parade demonstrating that the trade union movement is a forward looking movement proud of our past while focusing on the struggle for a fair and equal future.

At Glasgow O2 Academy in the Gorbals, speakers include the writer and journalist Seamus Milne, a live video link with the USA's Fast Food Forward movement, Gordon Maloney NUS Scotland’s President speaking on the need for a Living Rent, representatives of the Glasgow Girls Campaign, Roza Salih and Stephen Smellie will be speaking about Kobane. Alongside tons of stalls and kids entertainment, a friendly and welcoming environment.

Critical Mass Cycle Friday –May 1st - ALL WELCOME.
The Labour Movement has a proud cycling tradition, in times past cycling was used as a means to communicate the message of socialism while providing a social environment for trade unionists and socialists to meet and talk. In recent years there has been an upsurge of interest in cycling including the formation of a new cycle club for trade unionists and friends the Glasgow Clarion Club.

To celebrate May Day and our cycling heritage many trade unionist and friends will be cycling out on May 1st from Glasgow Green. Participants are asked to wear red to promote May Day and to highlight our campaign for Glasgow and its employer to become a bike friendly city. Cyclists will gather at 4.30 pm in Glasgow Green cycling together through town and then refreshments will be served in the STUC in Woodlands Road.

Organised by Glasgow Trade Union Council

ABERDEEN,  Saturday 2nd May

“The ABERDEEN Trades Union Council May Day March and Rally is on Saturday 2 May 2015.

The marchers will assemble at Rubislaw Terrace from 10.30 am and the procession will march off at 11.00 am.

The procession will proceed to the Castlegate via Union Street (the whole length of Union St). The rally at the Castlegate is scheduled to commence at 11.45 am/12noon.

Organised by Aberdeen Trades Union Council (ATUC),


DUNDEE, Saturday 2nd May

Dundee Mayday March & Rally

Assemble Cowgate Underpass at 11:40am, march off 12 noon, Rally at Albert Square, Burns’ Statue.

Organised by Dundee TUC


Edinburgh, Saturday 2nd May

Organised by Midlothian TUC/Edinburgh & Lothians May Day Committee

Assemble 11.30 on Middle Meadow Walk , March at 12.00 led by Stockbridge Pipe Band.

Rally at Pleasance Theatre.

There will also be a May Day concert on Friday 1st May.

IRVINE, Sunday 3rd May

organised by Irvine and North Ayrshire Trades Union Council
Irvine and North Ayrshire Trades Union Council May Day March at 12 noon in Vineburgh Community Centre Quarry Rd Irvine.

Rally in Vineburgh Community Centre Quarry Road Irvine at 1pm.