CfE Working Group Tackling Bureaucracy Follow-up Report

The CfE Working Group Tackling Bureaucracy Follow-up Report’ published in March. This report has been produced by the Scottish Government, the employers and Teacher Unions and is intended to tackle the problems teachers face in schools. The report has four sections

  • Assessment
  • Forward Planning
  • Monitoring and Reporting
  • Self-Evaluation and Improvement Planning

FOUR posters have been produced to highlight the sections within the report for school notice boards.

Assessment PosterMonitoring and reporting PosterForward Planning PosterSelf-evaluation Poster

The SSTA believes that this report has the potential to reduce teacher workload and recommends that members use this report to seek reductions in bureaucracy. It is important that this document is included in schools Working Time Agreements negotiations and the intentions of Government are realised. The SSTA believes that teacher’s professional judgement needs to be acknowledged and respected in the process and allow teachers to focus on teaching and learning.