Professional Update Survey

The SSTA wishes to gauge members’ opinions on the implementation of the Professional Update Process. Emails are being sent out to members today with links to the survey. Members who have not received an email should contact the SSTA office with details of their email address.

The information we collect will provide a snapshot of how the process is being implemented and will be helpful in our discussions with the GTCS and local authorities.


The link in the email is uniquely tied to this survey and your email address and should only be used by you .If you are having difficulties getting the link to work you should try the following:

  • copying and pasting the full link into the address bar at the top of your internet browser.
  • if the link appears over 2 lines copy the link into a document and edit the link to appear on one line. Copy and paste this into the address bar at the top of your internet browser.
  • some local authority IT policies block access to the SurveyMonkey website. You can try accessing the survey outside of school.