Pay Settlement

The SSTA, Scotland’s only specialist union for secondary teachers, has reluctantly agreed to accept a two year pay settlement. Two increases are proposed: 1.5% for the 12 months to 31 March 2016 (backdated) and a further 1% to 31 March 2017. The proposed settlement still needs to be agreed by all three sides of the Scottish Negotiating Committee for Teachers.

Some details of the proposed settlement were welcomed:

  • The government has expressed a commitment to protecting teacher numbers for the duration of the agreement.
  • A letter will go out to councils confirming that they can choose to pay supply teachers at the full daily rate from the first day.
  • The SNCT will publish a written commitment to managing workload.

General Secretary Seamus Searson said, “Teachers have been getting Curriculum for Excellence into classrooms over the last 8 years. Throughout this time they have seen the real value of their salaries reduced. Teachers have toiled to introduce a new range of experiences and outcomes in S1 to S3. For the last 3 years they have been putting a huge amount of their own time into new S4 to S6 qualifications. There is more assessment than ever. Attainment levels are rising. Record numbers of youngsters passed their Higher exams this year. It is disappointing that the value of teachers is not properly recognised.”

Further Information from:

Seamus Searson
General Secretary
0131 313 7300