Pay Agreement 2015

Please find attached the Pay Agreement 2015 and the supporting documents.

The agreement includes

  • Pay 1.5% 1 April 2015 and 1.0% 1 April 2016
  •  Supply An evaluation and review of the impact of the recommendations of the supply working group will be concluded by January 2016 with a view to addressing any ongoing issues in the delivery of supply teaching. A number of councils (more than 50%) are already paying the full supply rate from the first day. A letter will go out shortly to confirm to councils that this is permissible within the current agreement.
  • Workload A statement and principles for managing teacher workload agreed. The document will be circulated widely so that all negotiations for Working Time Agreements will take the substance into consideration.
  • Teacher numbers The Scottish Government will maintain its commitment to teacher numbers for the entirety of the period covered by the proposed pay deal with the details to be determined through discussion.

The SSTA is committed to see this agreement developed and bring about improvements in conditions of service for all its members. Further advice to follow.