Ballot for Industrial Action

The Ballot for Industrial Action closed at 12 noon on Friday 30 September.  The SSTA National Executive  and SSTA Council will be meeting to consider the result of the ballot on Friday 30 September and Saturday 1 October respectively.  A statement will be issued to members on Monday 3 October.


SSTA National Executive has set the date for the start of the formal postal ballot for Industrial Action on reducing Teacher Workload. The Ballot will commence on the 14 September and close on 30 September. All members employed by Local Authorities will be balloted.

The question on the ballot paper will be  "Would you be prepared to take ‘action short of strike action’ to reduce teacher workload?"

The SSTA recommends that members Vote Yes for 'action short of strike action'.


Ballot Papers will be sent out to home addresses by Electoral Reform Services on the 14th of September.  If you are unsure if we have the correct home address for you, please update your details by completing an online form or by emailing

A poster being sent to school representatives for display on notices board.  A PDF of the poster can be downloading by click on the image below.
