SQA Changes to National 5 Courses

The SSTA was represented at a meeting of the Assessment and National Qualifications working group on 31 January where SQA gave a presentation on the changes to National 5 Course for the 2017-2018 session. SQA made these changes following consultation with SQA subject groups and feedback to SQA surveys of pupils, teachers and schools.

The changes for each National 5 course will result in one or more of the following:

  • extension of the existing question paper
  • extension/modification of the existing item of coursework
  • a new question paper
  • a new item of coursework

Following this meeting the SQA published these changes to school. Please follow link to the message from Dr Gill Stewart, SQA. http://mailer.sqa.org.uk/general-newsletter/2017/10/31/921067d9-fcf3-4e38-b2eb-a70c012ae92d

The SSTA said it would seek views from its members on the changes from all National 5 course. We have emailed members with links to a short questionnaire to gauge members response to these changes.  Any member who has not received an email should contact SSTA HQ to check we hold up-to-date information for them.