SSTA Professional Education Courses

The SSTA has arranged an initial series of  professional education courses for teachers that have been funded by the Scottish Union Learning Fund. The Scottish Government provides funding to the STUC to facilitate union learning and these courses have been provided for the benefit of union members.

The SSTA is acutely aware of the difficulties members have in being released by schools but the SSTA is keen that members have the opportunity to participate. These one-off courses are three hours long starting at 5.00pm. Tea/Coffee and sandwiches will be provided and the courses are no cost to union members. Please reserve your place by clicking the link on the course you are interested in and completing the online registration form.


Dementia Awareness short course will equip learners with:

  • a greater understanding of dementia
  • how to recognise the effects of dementia
  • an understanding of coping strategies
  • where further support can be found

 Monday 19 February - SSTA Office Edinburgh


Understanding Disability short course will equip learners with:

  • A greater awareness of the range of disabilities
  • How to support people with identified disabilities
  • Understand why some people with disabilities may not self-identify with their additional support needs
  • How having a disability affects people and their ability to be valued at work

Monday 5 March - SSTA Office Edinburgh


Mental Health Awareness short course will equip learners with a greater understanding of Mental Health issues.

Learners will be given an understanding of:

  • What are Mental health issues
  • Perceptions of mental health
  • Experiencing mental health problems
  • Different Types of mental health problems:
    • Anxiety
    • Depression
    • Suicide and self-harm
    • Bipolar disorder
    • Schizophrenia
    • Personality disorders
    • Eating disorders
  • Legal considerations
  • What can individuals do
  • Medication and treatment
  • Useful organisations and signposting

Tuesday 13 March - SSTA Office Edinburgh


Tuesday 20 March - STUC Centre, Glasgow


It is our intention to provide these courses in other parts of Scotland in the future. Members are encouraged to contact the SSTA office to request a course in their area