Teachers’ Pay 2018 – Update

Teachers’ Pay 2018 – Update 20 April 2018

The latest meeting of the SNCT Extended Joint Chairs (EIS, SSTA, COSLA and Scottish Government) took place on Thursday 19 April.  The teachers’ side were disappointed that the Scottish Government,at this stage, were not prepared to offer any additional funding after having said at the last meeting  that it wished time to consider its position. At the last meeting on 27 March, COSLA (the employers) made a pay offer of 2% for those above £36,500 and 3% for those below.

The teachers’ side was not impressed with the lack of progress in making an important investment in education by attempting to resolve the teacher retention and recruitment crisis. Education is the Government’s priority and a resolution to 2018 pay award is essential to allow teachers to focus on teaching and learning.

A further meeting has been scheduled for Wednesday 16 May, but your negotiators left both the Scottish Government and COSLA in no doubt that they are not prepared to accept procrastination as a tactic from the management side and that the clock was very definitely ticking.