Members Bulletin & Privacy Policy Update

SSTA Congress 2018

The 74th SSTA Annual Congress took place on the 18-19 May in Crieff. The SSTA President Kevin Campbell's Address and the General Secretary's Report can be viewed by clicking on the links.

The Deputy First Minister John Swinney addressed Congress and took questions from members. Seamus Searson General Secretary gave a reply to the Ministers and this can be seen at

Further information from Congress will appear on the SSTA website in the coming days

Teachers’ Pay 2018 – Update – 16 May 2018

The latest meeting of the SNCT Extended Joint Chairs (EIS, SSTA, COSLA and Scottish Government) took place on 16 May. You will remember that COSLA (the employers) made a pay offer of 2% for those above £36,500 and 3% for those below. The Scottish Government were keen to address recruitment and retention of teachers and were keen to discuss these issues positively. The negotiations are now at an early stage but there still a number of matters to be resolved. The full meeting of the SNCT is due take place on 31 May. Further updates to follow.

SQA Changes to National 5 Courses survey to close

A big thank you to all members who have already responded to the survey. We have had a very good response and it has helped to give a good picture of the impact of the changes for both teachers and pupils. The survey will close on Tuesday 5 June. Please use the link below to participate. You can complete the survey at

SSTA 75th Design Competition – £75 prize

The SSTA was established in 1944 and will be 75 Years old in 2019. The SSTA would like to invite members to take part in designing a logo to be used throughout the year. It is intended to use the chosen design on all publicity materials, promotional items, correspondence etc. and there will be a number of prizes for entries including a prize of £75 for the selected design.

We are not requiring a finalised piece of work but a basic design that can be developed for our requirements. To participate just forward your design (more than one if you choose) to Headquarters by Friday 15 June 2018. High resolution versions of the SSTA logo and crest are available on request.
Please send you submission to with the email subject as “75th Anniversary Logo”.

Notice Periods

Members are reminded that if it is your intention to leave your post at the end of the summer break you are required to give 4 working weeks notice.

GDPR - Updated Privacy Policy

As you will be aware, the law regarding data protection has changed; and from the 25th May 2018 any organisation that processes personal data will need to comply with the provisions of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR).

To meet the requirements set out by GDPR we have updated our privacy policy. You can view the updated updated privacy policy here.

The emails that you receive from us always have an unsubscribe link making it easy to unsubscribe if you wish to do so.   However, should you wish to be removed or make any amendments to the contact information, you can do so by updating your details and preferences at