Members Bulletin - SSTA Meeting with Deputy First Minister


SSTA meeting with Deputy First Minister

The SSTA met John Swinney, Deputy First Minister (DFM) on 12 June and discussed a number of the Association’s motions from our Annual Congress in May. The SSTA delegation was led by John Guidi (Vice-President), Catherine Nicol (Convenor Salaries and Conditions of Service Committee)and Seamus Searson (General Secretary). The Vice-President thanked the Minister for attending the SSTA Congress and his interesting address. The following issues were discussed:

Pay and Career Structure
National Qualifications
Additional Support Needs (ASN) and Poor Behaviour
Education Bill (teacher led – voice of the teacher)

Further information on what was discussed at the meeting can be found in the MembersBulletin-MeetingwithDFM-June2018