Teachers’ Pay 2018 – Update – 6 September 2018

The latest meeting of the SNCT Extended Joint Chairs (EIS, SSTA, COSLA and Scottish Government) took place on 6 September and a revised pay offer was received from COSLA.

This offer is for 3% across all SNCT posts (as opposed to the previous pay offer of 2% for those above £36,500 and 3% for those below).  This would apply to all teachers except for those earning £80,000 or above, whose increase would be limited to £1600.  This offer would be backdated to April 2018 and is a single year offer. In addition to the 3% pay increase COSLA also supported a Scottish Government proposal to amend the  Main Grade Salary Scale by reducing the number of points from 6 to 5 with a higher starting and finishing point (aimed, it was claimed, at addressing recruitment and retention issues).

The teachers’ side of the SNCT will consider the offer in more detail but the SSTA and EIS has already indicated its view that 3% falls well short of the 10% claim and is unlikely to be acceptable to members. It was also made clear that the SNCT 10% claim is for all members at all grades.

When a pay offer is made we will need to consult the membership on their views and the possibility of a formal ballot for industrial action.  It is therefore, essential that member’s details are updated and accurate. Members can update their details by completing a form on the SSTA website at www.ssta.org.uk/updatedetails.

The SSTA will continue to negotiate in good faith with both COSLA and Scottish Government. A further negotiating meeting of the Extended Joint Chairs is scheduled for the  18th September, where the Teachers’ Side will respond formally to the offer. Further updates to follow.