Schools Closer to Industrial Action

Teacher pay talks broke down earlier, today, after Scottish Government and COSLA refused to consider improvements to their previous offer, already rejected by the SNCT as “derisory” and “divisive” at its meeting on 18 September.

Seamus Searson, SSTA General Secretary said that “the prospect of industrial action had moved significantly closer as a result of the Scottish Governments decision to abandon the talks rather than seeking to negotiate a solution. The SSTA had believed the Government when it said it recognises and values the commitment and hard work of its teachers. The SSTA had also expected the Government to recognise the damage the austerity measures had made to the teaching profession and support and reward its teachers appropriately”.

“The SSTA and other unions, had offered constructive proposals for Government and COSLA to consider but in rejecting them out of hand, Ministers have effectively dismissed the concerns of Scottish teachers. It is shameful that Scottish Ministers have walked away from the negotiating table in this manner. The prospect of industrial unrest in Scotland’s schools in the coming months has moved a significant step closer as a result of the Government’s abandonment of talks. Teachers will be disappointed and angry by this latest development.”

The SSTA Salaries Committee has already unanimously rejected the offer, but will consider the insulting response from the Government and determine the terms of the consultative ballot of its members.


Further information from
Seamus Searson
General Secretary

0131 313 7300

4 October 2018