Consultative Ballot on Pay Offer

The consultative ballot on the 2018 Pay Offer has now closed.  A statement on the results of the ballot will be sent to members this afternoon. - 20 November 2018

Emails inviting members to take part in the Consultative Ballot on the 2018 Pay Offer were sent out on Tuesday 30th October .  The Consultative Ballot is open until 12pm on Tuesday 20th November 2018.

The Email invitations have been sent to members ‘preferred’ email address. Members who have not received an email should, in the first instance, check the junk/spam folder of their email account(s).

If the email is not there, please contact the SSTA office with their preferred email address by phone on 0131 313 7300 or by email


The SSTA Council met on 6 October and unanimously rejected the divisive nature of the pay offer. The SSTA Salaries and Conditions of Service Committee agreed to conduct a Consultative Ballot of members after the October break and will be strongly recommending a rejection of the offer.

The Consultative Ballot will open on Tuesday 30 October and will close on Tuesday 20 November at 12 noon. The Consultative Ballot will be carried out online via the SurveyMonkey website. Invitations will be sent out to members 'preferred' email address on the morning of Tuesday 30 October.

Members who have not received emails regarding the Consultative Ballot should update their details with the SSTA as soon as possible at


The SNCT 2018 Pay Claim is a 10% restorative claim for all SNCT Grades


The Damage to Teachers’ Pay and Prospects