SSTA Consultative Ballot - The Members have Spoken

The SSTA conducted a Consultative Ballot on the 2018 Teachers’ Pay Offer. The SSTA Consultative Ballot closed on Tuesday 20 November. The majority of SSTA members participated in the ballot electronically with a small number of members requesting a postal ballot. Ballots were issued to 6,487 members with 4,729 members participating in the ballot. The response rate was 73%. 97% of respondents rejected the offer with only 3% prepared to accept the pay offer.

Seamus Searson SSTA General Secretary said “I congratulate SSTA members across Scotland for a tremendous response in the ballot and giving a resounding rejection of the pay offer. The Government and Employers have underestimated teachers and tried to create division within different grades of teachers. With 97% of respondents rejecting the pay offer is a strong message to the Government as to the feelings of teachers. It is time for Government to return to the negotiating table and treat teachers with respect and seek a meaningful settlement. The SSTA looks forward to productive talks at the negotiating table in the coming days”.

Kevin Campbell SSTA President added “The SSTA members have spoken. A decisive 97% rejection on a 73% response to the ballot is a credit to SSTA members and their commitment to the restoration of teacher pay levels. Teachers need a sufficient pay rise not only to recruit teachers but more importantly retain those excellent teachers we already have in our schools. Our pupils need highly trained, experienced and committed teachers in every classroom. A substantial pay rise in 2018 would be a fantastic boost to the profession”.

Seamus Searson added “It needs to be remembered that the Government and COSLA ended negotiations back in October but now they must be prepared to negotiate to avoid an escalation of the dispute and the potential for industrial action. The SSTA Salaries and Conditions of Service Committee is due to meet on Thursday 29 November to consider the result of the ballot. The Committee will receive the latest news on the negotiations before determining the next step in the SSTA Pay Campaign.”.


Further information from
Seamus Searson
General Secretary
0131 313 7300