Teachers Are Scotland’s Future - SSTA Submission to Career Pathways for Teachers

The SSTA submitted its vision on the future of the teaching profession in Scotland to the Careers Pathway Teachers Panel. The SSTA is seeking a system that values teachers and their contribution to Scottish society. 

Seamus Searson SSTA General Secretary “It is time for the Scottish Government and employers to stand-up and recognise the important role and contribution that teachers make to Scottish society. Scottish teachers have been keeping the education system afloat despite drastic financial cuts over the last ten years. Teachers have been subjected to continuous change and increasing bureaucracy whilst expectations increase when teachers and education support staff are being reduced. At the same time teachers have seen their salaries and career prospects virtually disappear”.

“It is no wonder that teachers are leaving and government struggles to find new recruits. Teachers’ salaries have reduced by more than 24% during the period and opportunities for development and promotion have virtually disappeared. The Scottish Government needs to acknowledge that teachers’ working conditions and remuneration have failed to keep pace with the rapidly changing education environment”.

Kevin Campbell SSTA President said “teaching is increasingly perceived as an unattractive profession with an impossible workload demand, restricted career path and an uncompetitive salary scale.  Addressing the structure of schools and its workforce are essential elements in the Scottish Government challenge to ‘close the attainment gap’. The biggest challenge to teachers in schools is the culture of ever-increasing workloads and meeting an ever-expanding range of pupil needs”.

The SSTA submission recommends

The Classroom Teacher

  • A career structure that gives opportunities to gain experience and responsibility that recognises the commitment of the teacher
  • Recognise and reward teachers to focus on teaching and learning
  • Recognise the importance of time to develop strategies and materials for use in the classroom
  • Recognise and reward experienced teachers for using their expertise inside and outside the school

The Supply Teacher

  • Recognise and reward the expertise of the supply teacher as an integral part of the education system
  • Create a national register of qualified supply teachers to ensure a career path and access to continued professional development

The Secondary Subject Specialist

  • Recognise and reward lead teachers of subjects in secondary schools
  • Recognise the importance of time to develop strategies and materials for use in the classroom
  • Recognise the need for opportunities for collaboration with other subject specialist in and across schools
  • Recognise and reward lead teachers of subjects for sharing expertise within school and across schools

The Guidance and Pupil Support Teacher

  • Recognise and reward the importance of guidance and pupil support teachers.
  • Recognise the expertise of these teachers and create a professional career structure that values their expertise in the education service
  • Recognise and reward guidance and pupil support teachers for sharing expertise within school and across schools
  • Offer opportunities with time and pay for aspiring teachers to develop their understanding of, and expertise in, support roles

(Please see the appendix of the attached submission document for the SSTA Pastoral Pupil Support Survey)

The Management Structure

  • Introduce a number of realistic management posts that offer opportunities to gain experience and encourage teachers to seek further responsibility.
  • Recognise the importance of management posts being achievable and provided with sufficient non-teaching time to undertake those responsibilities
  • Recognise and reward the principal teacher who manages a number of subject areas and focus their work on supporting teaching and learning in those areas.
  • Recognise and reward posts that manage a number of ‘whole school’ responsibilities
  • Recognise and reward the extent of the increasing responsibilities expected of Depute Headteachers and Headteachers.
  • Create supporting teacher posts to assist the range of responsibilities expected of senior members of teaching staff.



Attached.  SSTA submission to: Careers Pathway for Teachers Panel

SSTA Submission to Career Pathways for Teachers - October 2018 

Further information from

Seamus Searson
General Secretary

0131 313 7300

27 November 2018