Safety First and the Education Recovery Year

Safety First

Schools have been attempting to adapt to the Covid-19 pandemic but they are far from being complete. Some schools have been more successful than others but there remain many challenges ahead.

Some progress has been made in recent weeks but the recent SSTA survey highlighted a number of areas that are not been adequately addressed in all schools. The lack of physical distancing, inadequate cleaning regimes, the lack of face coverings and a lack of consistency of safety measures. The SSTA continues to press the Scottish Government and employers to introduce measures to keep staff and pupils safe. The priority must be ‘Safety First’ of all staff and pupils. The SSTA has updated its guidance and recommendations on measures to keep staff safe 

The Education Recovery Year

This school year has been labelled the ‘Education Recovery Year’ and the main priority for all schools during this national emergency is to support all the pupils who have suffered because of ‘lockdown’. All schools have been promised additional teachers to assist teaching and learning during this academic year. This should mean a reduction of class sizes and additional support for pupils that have missed out the most during lockdown. This is not a ‘normal’ school year and many of the tasks that have been expected of schools should be stood down in preference of supporting teaching and learning. The SSTA will also be urging the Scottish Government not to reintroduce school inspections this year. Please see the SSTA advice here.