SNCT Pay Negotiations 2021 - SSTA Rejects Pay Offer

The SNCT Teachers’ Side Negotiators (SSTA and EIS) met with COSLA (the employers) and Government Officials on Wednesday 17 March to respond to the Employers 2021 Pay Offer.
The SNCT Teachers’ Side submitted a pay claim for 2021 for a pay increase in the financial range of 3% - 5% in December 2021 . COSLA responded by making an offer in line with Government’s pay policy.
The offer from COSLA is:

  • A 2% uplift for those earning up £40,000 (all main grade teachers up to Point 4); and
  • A 1% rise for those earning over £40,000 with a cap of £800 (all teacher grades from Point 5 and above). (please add the COSLA Pay Offer)

The SNCT teachers’ side were clear that the offer was unacceptable as not only would it leave some members with below inflation pay increases but moreover the differentiated nature of the offer was contrary to the need for a universal percentage for all teachers and associated professionals at all grades.
Further negotiations are planned and the next meeting will be on 31 March.