SSTA Members Update – Pay, SQA and Covid

Teachers’ Pay 2021-2022. The story so far…….

In the autumn of 2020 the SSTA Salaries and Conditions of Service Committee submitted a claim to the SNCT Teachers’ Side for a restorative pay award that promoted the retention and recruitment of teachers. This was expected to be paid to teachers on 1 April 2021.

In December 2020 the SNCT Teachers’ Side agreed the following pay claim that would be paid to all teachers without differentiation:

“A range of 3%-5% is the financial scope of the claim, depending on other measures and benefits also being considered as part of the pay and reward package, in particular those measures aimed at tackling excessive workload”.

On the 15 March 2021 Cosla responded with the following pay offer

“A 2% uplift for those earning up to £40,000; and
A 1% rise for those earning over £40,000 with a cap of £800”.

This offer was rejected by the SNCT Teachers’ Side as it was not only too low but a differentiated offer. Despite further negotiations no further formal offer was made until November.

On 4 November 2021 Cosla made the following

“A 1.22% increase at all SNCT pay points.
A back dating of the implementation date of the pay award to be effective from 1 January 2021”.

This was followed on 13 December 2021

“A 1% increase at all SNCT pay points effective from 1 April 2021.
A further 1% increase at all SNCT pay points effective from 1 January 2022.
A one-off non-recurring payment of £100 to each SNCT member of staff in post on the date the offer is agreed (pro-rata) and a cap of £800 for those earning £80K and above”.

A further offer was made on 10 February 2021

“A 1.22% increase at all SNCT pay points effective from 1 April 2021.
A further 1% increase at all SNCT pay points effective from 1 January 2022”.

All these offers were rejected by the SNCT Teachers’ Side and Cosla made the following offer using the following statement on 25 February 2022.

“ make a best and final offer within the overall cost envelope allocated and with scope to reconfigure aspects such as the percentage and maintain a one-off non-recurring payment:

A 1.22% increase at all SNCT pay points effective from 1 April 2021.
A further 1% increase at all SNCT pay points effective from 1 January 2022.
An £800 cap for those earning £80K and above
And a one-off non-recurring payment of £100 to each SNCT member of staff (pro-rated for part-time) for all SNCT members in post on 31 March 2022 and based on working hours at that time”.

The SSTA Position

In September 2021 the SSTA Salaries and Conditions of Service Committee took the position that it would not consult members on an offer that was less than 3% and was paid universally to all SNCT grades.

The Committee maintains that the 25 February 2022 pay offer has not met its baseline but has agreed due to the totally unacceptable protracted period of negotiations to consult SSTA members on the pay offer. The SSTA will conduct a consultative ballot of all members that will be issued separately to members at their preferred email address. It is, therefore, essential that members ensure that the Association holds your correct personal details. You can updated your details at www,

*Please note on 7 February 2022 the SNCT Teachers’ Side submitted a 10% pay claim to be applied to all grades and pay points without differentiation or discrimination for 2022-2023.

The SQA and National Qualifications

The SSTA has received many messages from members regarding the latest communications from the SQA and preparations for the examinations next term. The SSTA is meeting with the SQA later this week and would welcome further comments from members at

Covid 19 - Safety First

The Scottish Government has reduced mitigations in schools and is attempting to return society back to ‘normal’. However, Covid-19 is still with us and members are advised to take precautions to ensure their safety.

The current Government guidance ‘Coronavirus (COVID-19): guidance on reducing the risks in schools’ to ensure a low-risk environment for learning and teaching still applies

This still includes:

  • Risk assessments to be continued
  • Environmental cleaning, hand and respiratory hygiene to continue
  • Ventilation – strengthened guidance for local authorities on CO2 monitoring
  • Support for people in the highest risk groups/pregnant staff

SSTA says ‘Put Teachers at the Centre’