Consultative Ballot – Revised 2021 Pay Offer

The SSTA Salaries and Conditions of Service Committee is conducting a Consultative Ballot of members on the revised pay offer. The Consultative Ballot will commence on Wednesday 16 March and will close at noon on Tuesday 29 March 2022. Emails are being sent out to members 'preferred' email addresses.

Please note: only members employed by a local authority will be invited to participate in the consultative ballot.

The detailed revised 2021 Formal Pay Offer made on 25 February 2022 was

  • A 1.22% increase at all SNCT pay points effective from 1 April 2021.
  • A further 1% increase at all SNCT pay points effective from 1 January 2022.
  • An £800 cap for those earning £80K and above
  • And a one-off non-recurring payment of £100 to each SNCT member of staff (pro-rated for part-time) for all SNCT members in post on 31 March 2022 and based on working hours at that time”.

The summary of the pay negotiations and the SSTA position can be found in the members bulletin of the 14 March 2022. The SSTA Salaries and Conditions of Service Committee is asking members to consider carefully the revised pay offer and indicate their view.

In the consultative ballot:

  1. members will be asked their local authority, current post and position on pay scale
  2. members will be asked whether they accept or reject the terms of the revised pay offer.
  3. an additional question only for those members who reject the offer whether they are prepared to take strike action to get an improved offer?

If you do not receive an email invitation for the ballot by Thursday 17 March, please check the spam/junk folders as sometime the email can end up in there.

If you require another email invitation to be sent to you, please email with a note of your full name, school, DoB and, if known, your SSTA membership number. We will then arrange for an email invitation to be sent to you.