Election of Vice President 2009-2011

Margaret Smith, District Secretary in Fife and member of Executive and Council will be the Association's Vice-President for the period 2009-2011. She defeated Richard Goring, also a member of Executive and Council, in the recent ballot. We extend our congratulations to Margaret and commiserations to Richard.

The report of the balloting agent, Electoral Reform Services, is below.


Our report of voting for the above election which closed today at noon is as follows:

Number of eligible voters:  7,316
Total number of votes cast:  2,027

Turnout:    27.7%
Number of votes found to be invalid:  1
Total number of valid votes to be counted: 2,026


GORING, Richard

SMITH, Margaret  1,296   Elected

Electoral Reform Services can confirm that, as far as reasonably practicable, every person whose name appeared on the electoral roll supplied to us for the purpose of the ballot:-

1. was sent the details of the ballot and

2. if they chose to participate in the ballot, had their vote fairly and accurately recorded.

All voting material will be stored for twelve months.

Alexander Lonie

Manager of Trade Union & Membership Organisations Sector

20 February 2009