New Q&A on CfE implementation now published online

New Q&A on CfE implementation now published online / Print friendly versions of all CfE factfiles now available.

For information this new Q&A (link below) was published on the Education Scotland site this morning. The Q&A offers responses to some key issues around the ongoing implementation of CfE, focusing predominantly on the secondary sector but also includes issues of relevance to the primary sector, CLD and colleges. The information is intended to support leaders, managers, practitioners and others within the system in their own understanding of some of the key issues surrounding successful implementation of CfE, and also to assist them in their ongoing communications with parents/carers, learners, employers and other key members of their education communities.

The Q&A is split into 5 sections, as follows:

  • Engagement with stakeholders, including parents and employers
  • Support for implementation of Curriculum for Excellence
  • Certification
  • Making subject choices
  • Assessment

It was developed in close partnership with the Cabinet Secretary's CfE Practitioner Group, a group of HTs and college principals who meet regularly to advise him on how CfE implementation is going on the ground. The publication meets the commitment contained in the CfE Action Plan ( launched by the Cabinet Secretary at the Scottish Learning Festival to develop new materials for staff to help them understand better, and explain to others with more confidence, the benefits of Curriculum for Excellence and the changes taking place.

Link to Q&A -

Additionally, following a request from the National Parent Forum of Scotland we have now produced print-friendly versions of all 11 CfE factfiles, available at (right hand column).