SNCT document relating to Charter Teacher Courses

The final version of the SNCT document relating to Charter Teacher courses is now available from here . The document clarifies future pay arrangements for teachers currently on the Chartered Teacher pay scale. Teachers on the Chartered Teacher scale will be assimilated at their current point on the scale in exchange for an enhanced role within the school.

This document also details the arrangements for those who have an area of study to complete. An area of study is a group of courses taken together to achieve an increment (or increments) on the Chartered Teacher scale. In simple terms anyone part way through an area of study has until next spring to complete it. In exceptional circumstances there may be a short extension allowed for those unable to complete by spring 2013. Anyone in this position has until September to send a written appeal to the joint secretaries of the SNCT. There is no suggestion that this will be extended to new areas of study or that further increments will be paid for groups of courses not yet started. If you have any questions please don't hesitate to contact the office at

Ann Ballinger

General Secretary