Bulletin no 414/09 - 31 May 2009

7. COUNCIL OF 16 MAY 2009

The new Council met immediately following Congress. There were two items of business:-

(a) Appointment of the new General Secretary

Council confirmed the appointment of Ann Ballinger as General Secretary of the Association for the period 2009-2014.

(b) Election of Executive and Finance Committees

The following members of Council were elected:-


James Forbes (Lothian)

Richard Goring (South Lanarkshire)

Elaine Henderson (Aberdeenshire)

Albert McKay (Aberdeenshire)

Pamela Templeton (Ayrshire)

George Sturrock (Dundee City)




Richard Goring (South Lanarkshire)

Elaine Henderson (Aberdeenshire)

Sid Sandison (Aberdeen City)

George Sturrock (Dundee City)


All Members are invited to respond to the invitation from the SQA to make comments on this year's exam diet. The responses can be made via the SSTA website. The SQA has pointed out that it greatly values these comments. This response mechanism replaces our former curriculum advisory panel mechanism.


All members who retire during the summer are asked to notify the Association office (info@ssta.org.uk) of the fact. Members who are transferring schools are asked to do the same.

We take this opportunity to wish members who are retiring a long, healthy and happy retirement.

Members who are retiring but who may take up irregular temporary work as a teacher ("supply" as it is generally termed) are advised to retain part-time membership at the prevailing half rate. This rate would apply in most cases from 1 September 2009.

It is also possible to retain membership as a "retired member" at the same rate.


On behalf of the President and Council, we wish all members a well deserved, restful and enjoyable summer break.



JIM DOCHERTY Acting General Secretary