Update on McCormac Recommendations

The SNCT is beginning the process of examining the recommendations made by Professor McCormac. Three groups have been set up to examine the main recommendations and agree next steps. None of these recommendations are accepted and they have not been implemented. They do not form any part of our current conditions of service.

This Association has representatives on each of the working groups which began work in January (apart from the Group C which is still to meet). During the negotiations we will keep members informed via our website and facebook page. We will also email important points to members. This Association has no intention of agreeing to any changes which will be detrimental to teachers’ conditions of service.

In the meantime your representatives would appreciate some advice and assistance from members. Comments on individual recommendations, and on the perhaps ‘unforeseen results’ of implementation would be warmly welcomed. Please add the recommendation your comments refer to in the subject line. For your information each working group remit covers the recommendations listed below. Please send emails to McCormacReview@ssta.org.uk

Working Group A – Working Hours

Recommendation 1:

Annex B of the Teachers' Agreement should be removed and teachers should work to a set of standards developed by the GTCS as the basis for their professional practice.

Recommendation 3:

Annex E of the Teachers' Agreement should be removed.

Recommendation 18:

The post of principal teacher should be more flexibly deployed by local authorities and schools; it should be possible to promote staff to these posts on a temporary basis

Working Group B - Duties

Recommendation 8:

The 35 hours of contractual time per year that was allocated for CPD should remain but this should not be viewed as a time limit on CPD.

Recommendation 13:

Class contact time for probationary teachers should not exceed 74 hours over a four week period (or pro-rata to a term), be flexible and allow sufficient time for development needs.

Recommendation 14:

Supply teachers should have access to high quality CPD and should be entitled to engage in a PRPD process.

Recommendation 22:

There should be no change to the length of the current contracted week of 35 hours.

Recommendation 23:

Teachers should normally remain on the school premises during the pupil day.

Recommendation 24:

There should be flexibility within the 35 hour week to allow teachers to undertake effective collegiate work and play a substantial role in the wider learning community contributing to the development and delivery of the 3-18 curriculum.

Recommendation 25:

Marking, preparation and peer review are key elements of the work of teaching professionals and headteachers must allow appropriate time for such core activities.

Recommendation 26:

There should be no change to the current 855 hours per year of class contact time.

Recommendation 27:

Class contact time for teachers, in all schools, should be considered over a longer period such as a month or a term.

Recommendation 28:

All primary school teachers, in consultation with their headteacher, should be responsible for the education of their class for the entire length of the pupil week, although they need not necessarily be in class during all these hours.

Recommendation 34:

Planning at school level, should in the future, be characterised by collaborative, consultative and collegiate processes focused on the best outcomes for the school and its pupils. This should not be treated as a forum for negotiation.

Working Group C – Chartered Teachers

Recommendation 19:

The Chartered Teacher Scheme should be discontinued.

Recommendation 20:

Skills gained in achieving chartered teacher status should be harnessed and negotiations through the Scottish Negotiating Committee for Teachers (SNCT) should ensure that credit is given for completed modules.

Recommendation 21:

A form of professional recognition should be developed by the GTCS and/or Universities for teachers who demonstrate long term innovative classroom and collaborative practice or who have a successful history in mentoring or research.