SQA's Curriculum for Excellence Progress Reports


The first of SQA's Curriculum for Excellence Progress Reports are now available to view on the dedicated Curriculum for Excellence pages of the SQA website.  


The Reports represent the next stage in the development process of the next generation of national qualifications to support Curriculum for Excellence (CfE) and are an important opportunity for all stakeholders to provide their feedback on the development.   A feedback facility is available on the SQA website.


Reports have been published for seven of the eight curriculum areas: expressive arts, health and wellbeing, languages, mathematics, sciences, social studies and technologies as well as for literacy and numeracy.  Work on the report for religious and moral education is continuing and this will be published in July.


The Reports outline the research and targeted engagement that has taken place with stakeholders and

give recommendations on the scope, skills and issues within each curriculum area.


Each report will inform the development of the Overview document and Suites of Courses for its curriculum area.  SQA's qualifications design teams will then take the recommendations forward into the design of qualifications within individual subjects such as French, Physics or History.


To keep up-to-date with the latest Curriculum for Excellence news and reports you can sign up for the MyAlerts facility which provides notification of updates to the web pages.