Indicative Ballot on Industrial Action but not Strike Action

Indicative Ballot on Industrial Action but not Strike Action: Closing Date 25 June 2010

The Association has had a series of meetings with the Cabinet Secretary over the last few months to explain our concerns over the implementation of Curriculum for Excellence. At every stage we have been clear about what teachers need to successfully implement the new curriculum. With less than two weeks left of this term little progress has been made and huge concerns remain. An indicative ballot is the first stage in our balloting procedure. A full postal ballot on industrial action would follow if the indicative ballot shows the required support. In order to speed the balloting process members are asked to use the electronic response mechanism where possible. Executive request that you take a few minutes to express your opinion on the need for industrial action (short of strike action) in order to force the Scottish Government to provide:
  • Detailed guidance from the subject excellence groups to enable teachers to plan effective courses.
  • Clear information regarding assessment and moderation during the early years of secondary.
  • Adequate and relevant assessment materials externally produced where required.
  • Clear guidance on the mechanisms and criteria to be used in reporting to parents of pupils in the early years of secondary.
  • A full review of the National Qualification proposals, taking into account the views of teachers, parents and employers. The SSTA believes that the current proposal for wholly internal assessment at the new level 4 is divisive and detrimental to the future of those pupils assessed   at Level 4.
  • Unambiguous statement that the point at which pupils will begin working towards national qualifications (the middle phase of secondary education) is the start of S3.
  • An indefinite delay on the implementation of the profiling proposals.
It is absolutely essential that all members in the state sector vote in the indicative ballot. Members are aware of the damage that current proposals will cause to our education system. Teachers must act: they must act now.

Vote YES! Tell the Scottish Government that SSTA members are not prepared to gamble with the future of tens of thousands of young Scottish citizens.

You can cast your vote in the ballot by visiting and completing the form. The ballot closes at 4pm on the 25 June 2010.

Yours sincerely

Ann Ballinger

General Secretary