Imposed changes to our Conditions of Service

Dear Colleagues

By now you will be aware of the disgraceful events at the SNCT Teachers’ Side meeting on 28 April, when some teacher representatives surrendered after approximately 12,000 of the 60,000 eligible teachers voted to accept the Cosla proposals.

This Association refused to accept the proposal and gave formal notice that we intend where justified to take legal action on behalf of members.   Of particular concern are the conservation, accrued leave and supply rate issues.   The full text of the statement to the SNCT is available on our website. Our solicitors are ready to advise on every case where detriment is shown to have happened. We will also continue to fight at SNCT level to protect the interests of Scottish teachers.   The full text of the changes to the Handbook of Conditions needed to implement the Cosla package remain to be agreed.     Only then will the full details of the sell-out become apparent.

The sole aim of this Association is to provide the best possible conditions of service for members and, therefore, the best conditions for our pupils. We will continue to pursue this agenda by actively promoting teachers' rights with the Scottish Government, Cosla, the McCormac Committee and through the press.

It may be cynical to believe that preparations for the implementation of the changes to conditions of service are likely to be published during the summer months but that is exactly what we expect to happen. With that in mind SSTA officials will be available throughout the summer to discuss any issues with members and to support those affected.

Congress meets on May 13 to discuss this and other issues. Decisions made will be sent to members by email and using both the website and Facebook pages during the week commencing 16 May.

Yours sincerely


General Secretary

9 May 2011