Supply Teachers

The Scottish Secondary Teachers' Association today expressed alarm at the reported crisis in providing supply cover in many local authorities. The Association has taken note of the reports in some quarters indicating that classes have been split up, doubled up and only supervised in significant numbers in Assembly areas thus being deprived of appropriate opportunity for learning and teaching. It has even been reported that network staff whose purpose is to support the most vulnerable of our young people are being drafted in to provide supply cover.

Alan McKenzie, Acting General Secretary, said “these reports that we have received may only be anecdotal. However, to gamble on that has such enormous implications for potential damage that it cannot be risked. We believe there is at least a problem derived from the introduction of the lowest rate of pay for supply staff. This derisory rate must be ended and proper salary rates restored. Very few experienced and recently retired teachers are prepared to accept supply posts on the daily rate currently offered. These teachers are essential in a supply situation. We are also alarmed that many newly qualified teachers are simply leaving the profession when faced with long periods of second rate payment.”

For further information contact:-

Alan McKenzie

Acting General Secretary