SQA and Scottish Government Announcement

The Scottish Secondary Teachers’ Association (SSTA) today welcomed the announcements by the Scottish Government and the Scottish Qualifications Authority (SQA) concerning the N4 and N5 examinations as recognition that there are continuing issues surrounding the implementation of the new examinations.

Alan McKenzie SSTA Acting General Secretary said

“This is a welcome announcement and although not the complete answer to the problems our members have identified it at least goes some of the way towards meaningful progress.  In particular the review to the Verification arrangements particularly for this year should have a positive impact on the concerns of our members.  The SSTA does recognise that the SQA has a fundamental responsibility to ensure standards are appropriate but we feel more flexibility would still help.

The Scottish Government commitment to providing more money for training is particularly welcome.  We welcome the clear commitment by the Scottish Government to address the issue of the new Higher.

Progress has been made and the SSTA continues to affirm its commitment to working with all agencies to make these exams a success.”

Further information from

Alan McKenzie
Acting General Secretary

0131 131 7300

21 February 2014