SNCT Extended Joint Chairs and Teacher Workload

SNCT Extended Joint Chairs – 4 March 2019 

The SNCT Extended Joint Chairs (SSTA, EIS, Government and COSLA) meeting took place on Monday 4 March.

At the meeting the employers made no improvement to the current offer that the Teachers’ Panel had rejected on the 26 February. There was a brief discussion on workload related initiatives but teachers’ side negotiators made clear that this would be secondary  in a settlement without an improvement to the pay element of the offer.

The teachers’ side highlighted its willingness to participate in negotiations towards a settlement of the 2018-2019 pay claim and would be keen to meet again before the end of the week. Should an improved pay offer be made a meeting of the Extended Joint Chairs would take place. (Unfortunately, without an offer by the end of this week EIS will begin its statutory ballot for strike action on Monday 11 March).

Teacher Workload

The SSTA is preparing to issue further guidance on teacher workload in the coming weeks. However, it is important to remind members of the existing contractual position of a 35 hour working week.

The following are core duties and must not be used for other activities:

  • Teaching of assigned classes and cover for absent colleagues up to a maximum of 22.5 hours per week
  • An allocation of 7.5 hours for preparation for assigned classes and correction of the work of assigned classes. This time should be ring-fenced as an essential part of a teacher’s work and not available for allocation to other tasks.
  • The remaining 5 hours a week is Collegiate time.

The allocation of these hours is determined by the each School’s Working Time Agreement (WTA) that is binding on all signatories and must be honoured. All changes must be negotiated with the recognised trade union representatives. If a member is asked to undertake any additional duty, not included in the above, the deciding factor is the 35 hour working week. If the requested work would cause you to exceed the 35 hour week then you should agree a priority for the duties with your line manager. Further information can be found here.

Members should not be asked to exceed the 35 hour working week. Members are contractually entitled to refuse additional work and say NO.

Voluntary activities - If you are involved in a club or activity on an entirely voluntary basis and wish to continue that is your decision. This time is not included within the 35 hour working week.