The Scottish Secondary Teachers' Association today called for the introduction of photo ID cards for pupils in Secondary Schools.

“For some years now many schools have been introducing coded cards for pupils to use for school meals, libraries and other school facilities. We believe it is now time for this system to be extended to include photographic identification” said David Eaglesham, General Secretary.

“Introducing photo ID cards will help bring an end to bullying over use of “cash free” cards for school meals, will assist with access to school bus services, and ultimately can be used to add security to school examinations”.

“SSTA members report frequently that young people are bullied into handing over their cards for school meals to others, thus leaving them without their meal entitlement. With non-identified cards this will remain a problem. If photo ID is introduced widely, then the problem will dramatically reduce.”

“The technology is now very widely available and has become an expected part of normal everyday life for the adult community, notably in air travel. Introducing such cards in schools will not only help reduce bullying and other school based problems, but will help prepare young people for the realities of identity management in the 21st century, including those they will face in the world of work or in further or higher education where identity cards are now used in the great majority of cases.”

Further information from

David Eaglesham

General Secretary

27 December 2006