2018 Pay Claim - Members Update

On Thursday 7 March the SNCT Teachers’ Side Negotiators (SSTA and EIS) met Government Officials in an attempt to find a resolution to the 2018 Pay Claim. Following long discussions a revised pay arrangement for teachers was prepared. The Deputy First Minister, on behalf of the Government, intervened in the dispute and made a revised proposal on 8 March. The detail of the DFM proposal can be found here . The letter highlights a commitment to address teacher workload and other issues that are a broader concern for members.

As you are aware, the SNCT Teachers’ Side had rejected the previous offer. The EIS is recommending the proposal to its members and we await a formal offer from COSLA on behalf of the employers later in the month. The formal offer will then be considered by the SNCT Teachers’ Side with the expectation that the new offer will be accepted. Please note: As this proposal is an improvement to the previous offer going forward the SSTA will not be consulting members.

The latest proposal is for an increase of 3% April 2018, 7% April 2019 and a further 3% in April 2020.  This would take a teacher at the top of the main grade to £40,206 from April 2019 and to £41,412 at April 2020. (See draft pay scales here)

The SSTA will keep members updated on developments